
Monday, November 11, 2019

How to Use Vident iLink400 Perform Vehicle Diagnostic Functions

After a system is selected and the scan tool establishes communication with the vehicle, the
Function Menu displays.Now you can use Vident iLink400 tool to diagnose vehicle,now here vident-tech will instruct you how to use it to perform vehicle diagnose.

Read Codes
Read Codes menu lets you read trouble codes found in the control unit. Typical menu options
Present/Permanent/Current Codes
History Codes
Present/Permanent/Current codes stored in a control module are used to help identify the cause
of a trouble or troubles with a vehicle. These codes have occurred a specific number of times and
indicate a problem that requires repair.
History codes are also referred to as past codes that indicate intermittent DTCs that are not
currently active.
1. Select Read Codes from Function Menu and press the OK key. A code list including code
number and its description displays.
2. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through data to select lines, and left and right arrow
keys to scroll back and forth through different screens of data.

Erase Codes
Erase Codes menu lets you to clear all current and stored DTCs from a selected control module.
Also it erases all temporary ECU information, including freeze frame. Erase Codes does not fix
the problem that caused the fault! DTCs should only be erased after correcting the condition(s)
that caused them.
1. Select Erase Codes from Function Menu and press the OK key. Follow the ilink400 on-screen
instructions to complete the procedure.

Freeze Frame Data
Freeze Frame Data menu displays freeze frame data, a snapshot of critical vehicle operating
conditions automatically recorded by the on-board computer at the time of the DTC set. It is a
good function to help determine what caused the fault.

ECU Information
ECU Information screen displays the identification data of the control module under test, such as
the control module identification string and the control module coding.
1. Select ECU Information from the menu and press the OK key.
2. A screen with detailed information of the selected control module displays.
Live Data
Live Data menu lets you view and record real time PID data from a selected vehicle electronic
control module.
Menu options typically include:
Complete Data List
Custom Data List

Complete Data List
Complete Data List menu lets you view all live PID data from a selected system.

1Scroll with the up and down arrow keys to highlight a line, if the One Graphic on the bottom is
highlighted, it indicates graphing is available for the selected line. Press the function key One
Graphic to display the PID graph.

2Press the function key Two Graphics to display two PID graphs in one screen.

3Press the function key Merge Graph to display two PID plots in one coordinate for easy and
intuitive diagnosis.

To record the data to memory of the scan tool, use the function key SAVE, and press Stop
Saving to stop recording at any time.
5. Press Text to return to text viewing of PID data.
6. Select Pause to suspend collecting data from the scan tool and use the Start key to resume
collecting data.
7. Press the ECS key to return to the previous menu.

Custom Data List
Custom Data List menu lets you to minimize the number of PIDs on the data list and focus on any
suspicious or symptom-specific data parameters.
iLink Series Scan Tool User Manual V1.0

1. Select Custom List from the menu and press the OK key. The custom data stream selection
screen displays. Scroll with the up and down arrow keys to highlight a line, press the OK key
and then repeat the action to make more selections.

2. When finished selection, use the function key VIEW DATA to display selected items.

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